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NEWS 2011

We went to the Kielce CACIB  to defend the first place on BOG, which, in great style, Czarus won one year earlier. At first, we had a lovely evening in the hotel with Dorothy, Mirek and their Petits. The exhibition, as usual in Kielce, wonderful. In addition – the same  success! Idalia - Junior Winner, Frotka - CACIB. And Czarus? After winning BOB, stood on the podium again! Details in „shows” of Ida, Frotka and Czarus with photos from the finals.


The first time we participated in the Hunting Club Dog Show in Lodz. Beautiful weather and lots of "old" friends made ​​the atmosphere was great and the ring, despite the rivalry, everyone smiling. Our Grands as always competed with each other, winning titles Winner of the Club. Race still "took" Czarus, but  Frotka promised revenge in 2012. Details in: “results” Czarus and Frotka


On a warm Saturday of September we went with our friend Dorota and doggiec to the Krotoszyn for Bloodhounds Fields. Frotka greatly surprised us with their behavior in the forest. Despite all the wonderful smells, she always kept a close :)), and when we walked on the path - perfectly walked the trail! The biggest surprise was the podium! Frotka took the third place on the grid of 10 dogs. Photos from the contest here.


A very nice kennel  weekend in the Czech Republic! At first, meeting in Prague with friends from Croatia - Iva and Branko Raic and common emotions on the show in Mlada Boleslav. Secondly, we won last needed CACIB for Czarus. From today (unofficially) he is an Inernational Champion! Details in Czarus and Frotka results and photos. Frotka  presented great also (resCACIB), better was her titled sister Farandole, only.


APRIL Chluba Liliowej Przeleczy in National Show in Kalisz (Poland) 12.6.2011 – CWC, Winner,
BOB and Best Dog of Polish Breeds. It was the last certyficate for Polish Champion! 


We are happy to announce that our canine family has grown up!
She came to us little girl PBGV - IDALIA Podkoldernik Jadowity - IDA.
The first her hours at our home in the gallery "IDA and friends".


A memorable weekend of our Grands at shows in Opole and Moszna (Poland), ended with victory in the
BEST IN SHOW of X Jubilee Basset Club Show!. The results in box Shows of CHARMING Danda Bohemia
and Black Majesty FEMME FATALE, and photos in gallery: Exhibitions. Welcome!


Added were the results of the exhibitions and pictures of our dogs from the ring:
CHARMING Danda Bohemia and Black Majesty FEMME FATALE.


New photos CHARMING Danda Bohemia.


New pictures of our dogs in thematic galleries:
Black Majesty FEMME FATALE, APRIL Chluba Liliowej Przeleczy, THE GRANDS,
Enjoy watching!





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© GBGV -  A&M Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen :: Tatra Shepherd Dog