NEWS 2016
- We already finished eight weeks so we can go to new
homes. Apparently we all have new owners but we still have to wait
until we go there. We do not hurry - it is the best with mommy. Today
they made us photos again, not too often ???
FANTASIA Succession of Baron
FANNY Succession of Baron
FROU FROU Succession of Baron
All our photos
- We, little blue bassets are seven weeks and we're
slowly getting ready for new homes. Some of us have already gone next
weekend. We really will miss our two mummies, "daddy", aunt Ida and
uncle Czarus ....
FANNY Succession of Baron
FIGARO Succession of Baron
FLERA Succession of Baron
More puppies in
here :)
- We already have six weeks and became a little serious. We
posed a lot better and we got the prize.
Mom Kasia was very
pleased with us.
FIGARO Succession of Baron
FANNY Succession of Baron
FIONA Succession of Baron
More puppies in
here :)
- Today we finished four weeks! On this occasion we had a
common home dinner, we had fun and next they made us pictures. We
jokes and did not wanted to stay! But we have nice faces, don't we?
FIGARO Succession of Baron
Dinner for the 4th week
FANTASIA Succession of Baron
More in
Puppies section
Our puppies Bleu de Gascogne finished third week! They
grows great - they have already cloves, play and tease mom. It is very
fun! They also have names - today we present them :)
FIGARO Succession of Baron
FANNY Succession of Baron
FROU FROU Succession of Baron
More in
Puppies section
Our puppies of Gascony Basset have already 2 weeks. They
grow great, all already look at the world their small eyes, and some
are able to walk! More photos in:
Our puppies from the first litter of Basset Bleu de Gascogne are
already one week! Babies have a great time under the care of a
wonderful mommy - Yoko. They are carefully cultivated, very clean,
with full bellies.
More photos
This is a very important and happy day in our dog family.
Yoko (Fodnote BLUE JASMIN) gave birth to first puppies of Basset Bleu
de Gascogne. There are five girls and one boy. Mom was brave and gave
birth to them very quickly, even though the babies weighed from 390 to
466 g! Father - ODIN vom Kurath-Loch can be proud of. Obviously, could
not miss here our favorite Doctor Marta Malvina Gotowiecka, which is
the guardian angel of all litters in our kennel. Through her knowledge
and experience, we can be confident that mother and child are in
excellent care. Thank you!
See the first hour puppies:
We already have confirmation that the visit in Austria was
ODIN vom Kurath-Loch and Fodnote BLUE JASMIN will be
We expect puppies in the first half of June.
will be the first litter of Basset Bleu de Gascogne in Poland! Fingers
Our first grand - Czarus is 8 years today! As for the
senior holding up very well. Constantly watches over all the girls,
playing with his daughter and provokes us to caress... We love you,
First of fun with a buddy
Birthday nap in favorite armchair
Our basset Bleu de Gascogne - Yoko rid of complexes!
Fodnote BLUE JASMIN received a diploma of Polish Champion and now all
of our household (except humans) have the title :)
There was well presented itself Holly - DONATELLA
Succession of Baron at the National Show Hunting Dogs in Wroclaw. She
received CWC and BOB! We most enjoyed her wonderful relationship with
all dogs :)
Spring is a time for love. Our Yoko decided to become a
mother. Therefore, we went with her and her best friend Idalia to
Austria, where the family Langlives with bunch of Basset Blue de
Gascogne, among them handsome Odin. It was infatuation from the first
moment! Nice time with friends and happy Yoko compensated us
difficulties of the journey.
Great began this year's show season! In Lubin competed our
three girls: Ida - IDALIA Podkołdernik poisonous, Holly - DONATELLA
Succession of Baron, Yoko - Fodnote BLUE JASMIN All three won: Ex 1,
CAC and BOB !!! We were very proud and happy!
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